Wednesday 8 December 2010

Planning for Billboard

We looked at different billboards to get the conventions of what we needed for our own e4 billboard for our soap "Diamond Street"
-Star featured in center of poster
-Costumes represent genre of programme
-When the programme was on
-Tag line
-What channel
-Logo or recognisable symbol

Opening Titles

Planning for TV Magazine

I looked at various Magazine Covers to get the elements needed for my own Tv Magazine
-Masthead 1/3 of page
-Multiple photographs
-Cover Star engaging with reader
-Price in Star or Bubble
-No specific colour scheme
-Constant Font
-Stars wearing normal clothing and minimal make-up to create genre
-Audience represented in cover star-Normal every day people.

Hollyoaks Trailer

We looked at a 'Hollyoaks' Trailer from e4 and then we decided to use elements from this specific trailer to create our own trailer for a simalar soap which we called "Diamond Street"

We used the idea of purple screen that flashed up inbetween different shots which had white text on each one. We decided to create our own e4 purple tape idea at the end which tells you what the trailer was for and when its on.
We decided to add a song in and dip it at the points when we had speech, we used Adobe Elements to edit out video and we were able to fade music or sound in and out so it wasn't so obvious.
Our final Product looks as professional as an e4 trailer, as we decided to look at the e4 style guide to get everything correct as it told us everything we needed to know.

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Preliminary Task

Preliminary Task

Preliminary Task

In our Preliminary Task we had to create a short trailer for soap. We decided to look at “Waterloo Road” and base our soap on this. We called our soap “Nangreave Road” and included college situations as we only had a short amount of time to shoot our footage. We created a script and storyline and then we chose where to film our various scenes. At first when we began shooting our footage we chose to have a scene outside of the canteen area where it was slightly quieter than in the canteen itself. When we had finished one of the scenes we played it back and noticed the camera hadn’t picked our voices up in comparison to the other voices outside. We then decided to change that particular scene so it was on a quiet staircase in the college so the camera wouldn’t pick up the other background noise. After playing back the first take of this scene we realised it didn’t look realistic enough so we then decided to add a few of our group members to walk up or down the stairs to make it look realistic enough to be shot in a college.

We made sure we had enough variety of shot types.
We also looked at the facial expressions used on previous soaps and made sure we exaggerated our facial expressions as much as soaps like 'Hollyoaks', 'Eastenders' and 'Coronation Street' so we could really get across to the audience the atmosphere of the situation.