Wednesday 8 December 2010

Hollyoaks Trailer

We looked at a 'Hollyoaks' Trailer from e4 and then we decided to use elements from this specific trailer to create our own trailer for a simalar soap which we called "Diamond Street"

We used the idea of purple screen that flashed up inbetween different shots which had white text on each one. We decided to create our own e4 purple tape idea at the end which tells you what the trailer was for and when its on.
We decided to add a song in and dip it at the points when we had speech, we used Adobe Elements to edit out video and we were able to fade music or sound in and out so it wasn't so obvious.
Our final Product looks as professional as an e4 trailer, as we decided to look at the e4 style guide to get everything correct as it told us everything we needed to know.

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